
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Defense Devil End? Chapter 100 *May Contain Major Spoilers!*

This post may contain major spoilers......if you haven't read the manga Defense Devil, I wouldn't advise you to read this post. I'm not going to try and stop you, so be prepared. ^_^ Thank you~!

Defense Devil 100 - Page 2

Alright, I just wanted to put all my feelings and stuff in this post.......I want the manga, Defense Devil to continue!!! What's up with the ending of chapter 100??? Kucabara says 'lets defend god', is that it??? Major cliffhanger right there!!!!

Defense Devil 100 - Page 17

It feels like another arc coming out. The manga should not end right there! I feel the ending was rushed!!!! (Sniff...sniff) If your going to end it, could it been a bit better? At least Kucabara kissed Idamaria!

Defense Devil 100 - Page 9
He came back!! YAY!!!

Defense Devil 100 - Page 10

Defense Devil 100 - Page 11
I was pretty happy that Kucabara finally kissed Idamaria when he got back!! I yelled out, "YES!!! THANK YOU!"

Defense Devil 100 - Page 12

Defense Devil 100 - Page 13

I love the beginning of the chapter. It was really nice seeing Jupiter and whats his face (Shugarl) together again! I was extremely happy that he didn't die!! I was sooo sad when he died.......then he came back to life!!!! WHOO HOO!!!!

Defense Devil 100 - Page 3


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